We’re beyond excited to announce that as of July, we no longer sell our recycled plastic toothbrushes. The remaining stock has been donated to a number of causes, including the Travelling Hygienist, Courtney Coey! Headed to Kenya with Dentaid, Courtney works with at risk communities and works to provide happy and healthy smiles.
The decision to stop selling our plastic toothbrushes was pretty much a no-brainer. Plastic pollution is an ever-growing problem globally, and the news stories that reveal the extent of the harmful impact humans have had on the environment seem never-ending.
In a world of plastic pollution, reducing plastic use can feel like a losing battle – but all around the world, big and small steps are being taken to reduce plastic use.
That’s just what the Plastic Free Foundation are doing, by challenging all global citizens to live plastic-free for the month of July – and beyond.
Plastic Free July is a fantastic opportunity to look at your lifestyle and find ways to reduce and reuse plastic: no matter how big or small, we all have a responsibility to care for our environment, and reducing our plastic use is a great start.
It’s vital that big companies and corporations lead by example in reducing plastic use. That’s just what QANTAS airlines are doing: they’re planning to reduce 75 per cent of their waste by the end of 2021.Instead of single use plastic, the airline used meal containers made from sugar cane and cutlery made from crop starch, which is all fully compostable!
Another great step in the right direction was made by Disneyland Paris, who’ve stopped using plastic straws at their parks - that’s almost 500,000 plastic straws less per day!
We think the Plastic Free Foundation’s Plastic Free July campaign is so great that we want to give you some ideas that’ll kick-start your plastic free July.
Tote-ally awesome 👜
Ditch the plastic bags and take a tote wherever you go. Cotton tote bags are available from most retailers when you’re at the checkout, and, as well as being much better for the environment, are a much cooler accessory to be seen with. We love the amazing range on Etsy!
Don’t Bottle It (…or do) 💦
When you’re packing your tote bag, don’t forget to pop in a reusable bottle or coffee cup. Our favourites are Chilly’s for on-the-go filling up with water, and KeepCups – KeepCups are a barista-standard reusable coffee cup that you can hand to your barista instead of asking for a plastic or cardboard takeaway cup. Plus, they look much nicer than a plain throwaway cup.
Pack Up Your Troubles 🍽
If you’re saving money on buying lunch out and taking food with you when you’re out and about, there’s no need to use single-use plastic and clingfilm the food. Instead, pop your packed lunch in a reusable Tupperware: probably the simplest, and most sustainable, change you can make
Brush Up! 🌱
Once you swap from a plastic toothbrush to a 100% recyclable and biodegradable bamboo toothbrush, you’ll never look back. And you’ll be pleased to know that there are some pretty attractive ones available from Brushbox right now…
If you want to know more about the Plastic Free Foundation and their Plastic Free July campaign, you can do so here, and if you’re getting involved, don’t forget to join in with the #plasticfreejuly hashtag across social media.
Psst…if we’re part of your #plasticfreejuly story, let us know by tagging us @brushboxuk! We’d love to see what you’re doing to reduce your plastic use!